Friday, October 22, 2010

Classic Sprint TT

Oct. 22, 2010

Training: AM Classic rollerski sprint time trial. Total time: 2.5hr
              PM  Shaking the legs out run. Total time: 20 mins

Well we didn't have any frost on the car window this morning, so there was no reason to think the TT will be cancelled due to snow. I was actually pretty nervous this morning. I had a talk with my coach a few days ago and we thought it would be a good idea to do both the sprint time trial today and the distance TT tomorrow just to see where I'm at. This was going to be my first real comparison of my ski fitness in a while seeming as i took time away to do the Trans-Alps most of the fall. I felt as though my upper body strength was slowly coming around, but comparing myself during the speeds the other day, I had a little bit of work to do still. After a good warm-up I was feeling pretty relaxed. I wasn't planning on doing anything beyond seeing where I was at fitness-wise compared to my teammates. Our set up was going to be two rounds of prelim style starts (15 second intervals between skiers) followed by two rounds of reverse pursuit start (meaning the slowest finisher leaves first  followed by the second slowest in however much time was between them etc...). To my surprise, the first round went fairly well for me. The strength was there and for the most part I was able to hold my technical composure through the finish line. The second round was similar paced and i found myself right on the teammate starting right in front of me as i crossed the finish line. The final two rounds were confusing at best and therefore i wont go into much detail. Being one of the fastest qualifiers i started second to last and as its set up, most everyone finishes at roughly the same time. So as a whole the day went well for me. I gave my training partner and generally better sprinter a run for his money in the last round. I didn't expect to be able to handle the effort with such little anaerobic work underneath me, but it seemed to come together a bit. I'm tired now. Duh!

Thought of the day: I have heard rumors that Chocolate milk is one of the best recovery drinks out there..... Whatever..... Its just freakin goood!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. The blog looks great Brent............somehow I'd like to tell everyone not only did he run across the Alps, he came in 3rd place! I think maybe you inherit your modesty from your dad. :)
